Foods with Anti Aging Properties

Anti-aging has been a very hot topic over the last 20 years, and we've made great discoveries about how to turn back the clock with natural hormones and cosmetic procedures. But who would have guessed that the most powerful way of prolonging your youth and enhancing your health was with "Beauty Foods"?

Beauty Food is food which not only nourishes but strengthens the body, slows and reverses the aging process (entropy), and rejuvenates our cells allowing for a beautiful body inside and out. Beauty food was a natural part of our evolutionary diet as Paleolithic humans, but has become rare with our quest for fast foods with a long shelf life. The foundation of true youth, health, and beauty lies within consuming the right foods daily. Ideally, we need to pick foods which are fresh, unrefined, nutrient dense, organic, pH balanced, as well as high in enzymatic value, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

Tips for Younger Looking Without Botox or Surgery

Eternal Youth

That (eternal youth) seems to be what so many beautiful people seem to be searching for. The ability to look unaffected by the passage of time. Wrinkle free faces. The body of a 60 year old that looks like a svelte twenty year old. You see that quite often in Hollywood.

First, there was plastic surgery Now there is botox. Where a toxin is injected into your face to paralyze your facial muscles, to erase the lines on your face.

Scary isn't it? Then again, if you were gorgeous in your youth, if your face were your fortune, wouldn't you do everything possible to preserve your youthful appearance for as long as possible.

Choosing the Right Anti-Aging Products

Choosing Guide

Astonishing isn't it? It sure is easy finding an anti aging skin care product, because there are hundreds available on the market. In fact, the age-defying industry in general is huge and product manufacturers know that people will spend whatever it takes to make themselves look younger and feel better.

For instance, cosmetic surgery is a popular option with billions of dollars spent on it yearly. You can bet that the anti aging skin care products market is no different.

DIY Anti Aging Skin Care

It seems like every time you turn around, there's another anti aging skin care guide offering complicated, hard-to-follow advice. A program that helps you rejuvenate your skin should be effective, certainly. But simple is good too. Turns out, this anti aging skin care guide is effective and simple. Just follow three basic steps and you'll have younger looking skin for years.

Of course, you can also include in your anti aging skin care treatment program some specialized products. Such products can be very effective. This guide covers the use of these products in detail below.

Aging Parents

This is the day you thought would never happen. Your roles in life are reversing. Your trying to make decisions for yourself and your Aging Parent. What will be best for them without altering your life too drastically. 
How do you keep up the pace and ultimately please everyone around you?
You are not alone in life, you have a family, significant other, a career to think about. You want to balance everything to keep everyone happy and life as normal as possible. Think again! Those once a week visits or daily phone calls aren't enough anymore. Your parent needs care, the real kind.

Middle Age

Reaching middle age and actually acknowledging the experience are two different feelings.
  1. You go thru the fear of approaching it.
  2. You go into denial that you really have reached this age.
  3. You begin to change everything in your life.
  4. Even if you accept it or not the experiences begin to happen. 
You really are in the middle of your life. Aging parents whom you thought would never look, act or be any different from what you knew as a child start to change and become vulnerable right in front of your eyes. One day they seem fine and outspoken as ever and the next you're looking into the faces of people with ailments and medical charts and more needs than you can handle.
An aging baby boomer finds many factions of self image changing on a daily basis. Mid Life becomes a point of acceptance of yourself just the way you are. It's not an obnoxious realization. It's not that you're thinking that you're better than someone else, it's more of a meeting of the mind, ego, heart and body.

It is really great to know that once you accept yourself as who you are, you can make the decision to change or alter any aspect. 

If there is any part of you that you physically don't like or habits you wish you never had, you find this brave place within to do something about it. You finally understand that your thoughts create who you are.
So, that little nursery rhyme that taught you that "If you believe you can, you can and if you believe you can't, you're right" was so true. We realize that it does not matter how long it takes to learn something new or if we do it the best.
We are the only one judging. Worrying about what everyone else thinks is futile as they're too busy re-designing their own lives to bother with ours.