Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Let's face it. No one likes it when wrinkles, fine lines, and other aging signs start to form on the skin. But just because they are a natural part of aging doesn't mean you can't prevent them from developing too early. Using the right kind of wrinkle removal cream can keep your skin firm and youthful for years longer. You just have to know what to look for in that special effective wrinkle removal cream.Collagen and Elastin Proteins
When I look at the different kinds of wrinkle remover cream, I notice that most of them fail to address the single most important thing that causes aging skin.What I am talking about it the building of more collagen and elastin proteins.
If you didn't know already, collagen and elastin are the two most important structural proteins in the body. They are responsible for keeping your skin firm, elastic, and tone so aging signs like wrinkles cannot form.
But when you reach a certain age (usually in your mid 20s or so), your body begins to produce 1.5% less collagen and elastin. And if you do the math, this can catch up to you quickly (and you don't have to loose all your collagen and elastin for wrinkles to develop).
So, if you want to prevent aging signs from forming early in your life, you should use a wrinkle removal cream that will stimulate collagen and elastin production naturally. And by naturally, I mean creating your own unique protein and not taking supplements or using creams with collagen and elastin in them. These are ineffective ways to boost your collagen and elastin levels.
Hyaluronic Acid Levels
But sadly, many kinds of products like these are allowed to be sold to consumers. That's why it's smart to know what to look for and avoid before buying a wrinkle removal cream.But to go along with collagen and elastin, you skin needs an abundance of a substance called hyaluronic acid as well as so it can actually form strong fibers with collagen and elastin proteins. This is the process that occurs in your skin so it will stay tone and youthful.
An enzyme in your body called hyaluronidase continually breaks down the hyaluronic acid in your skin, leaving insufficient amounts to build protein fibers. Buy a wrinkle removal cream that contains an ingredient that stops the activity of hyaluronic acid will restore hyaluronic acid levels to a high enough amount so these fibers can be formed.
A wrinkle removal cream that contains ingredients that both increase collagen and elastin production and keep hyaluronic acid levels high will greatly help in the process of removing the unwanted signs of aging. But there are still other things you can look for to get even better results.
You can see this page to learn more detail about wrinkle removal ingredients that are super effective at boosting collagen and elastin production and keeping hyaluronic acid levels high.